Monday, March 7, 2011

Vintage Long Dong Silver

Luke was gay?

Lo scorso 30 novembre, a Orvieto, Luca Seidita si suicidava lasciando un biglietto sul quale c’era scritto: “Volevo diventare sacerdote. Tutta la mia vita è stata dedicata a questo. Mi è stato negato” . Il vescovo di Orvieto, monsignor Giovanni Scanavino, diceva: “Per lui questo diniego era stato un dramma assoluto” . Interrogato sul rifiuto opposto al giovane da Roma, il portavoce della Santa Sede non rispondeva: “Si tratta di un sacramento e la Santa Sede non può dare spiegazioni sul perché venga dato o non dato. Noi non diciamo niente e non abbiamo niente da dire” .
mention was made on January 15, here, and the story seemed closed, but now reopened. Indeed, it opens up entirely.

is yesterday's news: in Orvieto comes another Bishop and Monsignor Scanavino is removed. He was not allowed to challenge the despair that led to Seidel, and this of course was not tolerable. It turns out that one could imagine without great effort of imagination: from Rome to Orvieto someone had written that the young man was gay, and Rome had been moved. But Luke was gay? Despite having to close for five years, Bishop Scanavino had never noticed. Going away, mumbles that the diocese of Orvieto is "cancer patient" .
He was asked to resign, but he refused. Then came a letter informing him of the sorrow of His Holiness for the situation that had arisen, with a further call for the renunciation of the pastoral leadership of the diocese, "for the greater good of the unity of the Church of Orvieto" . And a bishop can not be refused to the Pope, or else can forget about retirement, and Monsignor Scanavino 71.
should listen carefully ...

... then go back to what I wrote on January 15 about that "process that is not only education but also transformative a man in a priest. I wrote that "seminar in which we lay things happen we can not even imagine" , but here he takes something. Suffice it to say that His Excellency, two or three times during the press conference: "The dead man was not there" . Of course refers to the problems he had with Rome, but the dead, that is here is was, oh yes, it inexplicably disappeared.
forgot. Remains out of each other if Luke was really gay or not.


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