gondola Ieri ed oggi al Centro Candiani a Mestre c'era una bellissima mostra intitolata
Bonsai in gondola ad ingresso gratuito e organizzato dal
Bonsai Club Ishi-Zuki di Mestre.
Devo dire che la mostra รจ stata bellissima. Io rimango sempre affascinato da queste riproduzioni of nature in miniature: there were a couple of small woods and some miniature bonsai (the surface of the vessel was as big as the nail of my thumb) that are real works of art. My admiration for these creations is also strong for the fact that last spring I bought an Ikea bonsai, but after a few months during which he had grown well and we had company with its beauty, is suddenly dead. I'm afraid I have done something wrong in the pruning.
For now I decided not to try, now I do not have the necessary patience to devote myself again, but if you said you had and you were curious, the
Ishi-Zuki Bonsai Club meets every Monday from 20:35 to 23:00 at the premises in Gagliardi 27 to Mestre.
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