"two deep gorges, narrow, wooded, joined to one another by mountains that offer no steps to delineate a clear enough in extending the irrigated grasslands, which opens in the middle of the road, but for clear that we must first get to go through the first gorge, and when you did reach to escape, or must we go through this again, or if you want to continue on, other than the throat, the more narrow and fraught with obstacles. "
(Titus Livius, Ab Urbe seasoned books, IX, 2)

Its name probably derives from the Latin forculae about to fork, to recall the famous Battaglia delle Forche Caudine quando nel 321 a.C. i sanniti guidati da Gaio Telesino sconfissero due legioni romane e le costrinsero a subire l'umiliazione del passaggio sotto il giogo.
Da allora ne è passato di tempo, ed il nostro paese resiste, parla, ci chiede di non abbandonarlo, di non lasciarlo nelle mani di chi non ne ha cura.
Se passeggiate per i campi in primavera

, o vi fermate a godere di un tramonto in una fresca sera d’ottobre
, vi renderete conto di quanto questi posti possano farsi amare, diventare cari alla memoria.
Ma, haimè, Force is not only an ancient village and pastoral landscapes.
It 's also the land of works started and never ended, the country where citizens are engaged in recycling and in some places there is still some small open dumps, without control, the country of cherries, where almost none are more , cherry ...
We want to deal with all this and more. We want to keep our dear country to leave an inheritance to our children, who will come after us. We want to discuss development, agriculture, water, energy, waste and health ... and do it!
We do not want to remain a frontier country, where people who spend not even cast a glance, but an entrance, an open door attraverso la quale chi si affaccia, entra e trova un posto speciale!
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