An argument now in vogue in all media Recycling is a waste.
But how can 'be useful to RECYCLABLE waste to a citizen? Applying
carefully separate collection, we realize that the organic waste is about one-third of the waste products. If we consider this part of the waste as a resource and not just as "rubbish", are open for interesting solutions that not only lead to a lower environmental impact, but also a saving on our bills.
Recovering in just the organic waste means lower disposal costs, slow the depletion of landfills and reduce odors and leachate in these products. Allows you to save money with a 15% reduction on TARSU , restricts the purchase of fertilizers, organic substrates and soils, drastically reduces the number of bags used.
But how is all this?
The answer is simple: with a compost. There are various types and models at affordable prices, but you can also DIY .
Composting is a choice, important, not only for our bill and the proper management of environmental problems, but also for the health of our garden and the garden noistro and our flowers and potted plants.
A small example: the company that disposes of the waste local or administration, distributed to every family a compost bin for the village of organic waste. The company is not spending more to collect waste from door to door, and makes a ford in order of processing fees for the amount of waste and at the same time the municipality spends less to get the service. In the end, but not least, the city demolished the items you see in the bill that now no longer exist. The wet if you take it home and reuse.
short, to recover the organic matter in waste agrees in every point of view: should the environment (less pollution from landfills and incinerators), agrees to our or our garden flowers, it is convenient because it reduces the cost of disposal.
Does each and every one. From so

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