Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Niece Flirts With Me

I commenti a cio' che scrivo su questo blog, sono sempre bene accolti; ovviamente, perche' vengano pubblicati, devono essere privi di insulti e scritti in modo civile. E' chiaro che i mentecatti che non essendo in grado di mettere insieme due frasi sensate, si limitano ad insultare, non verranno pubblicati. Ah, dimenticavo, questo vale anche per i senzapalle that even afraid to sign.
I apologize to my readers if I did they bother with these notes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Blister On Penis

Primal news

Europe on the brink of a new economic crisis, Hungary is on the verge of bankruptcy. The government had rigged the accounts and the deficit is 7.5% of GDP and not 3.8 as stated by the previous government of liars (left). This also happens to open the doors of the EU to all ...

Yet another picture of chocolate by Peter and his partiticchio, our hero, so to speak, preach, but is always caught with their hands in the cookie jar, bravo toni; usual spotless little person, eh?

The judges do their good political strikes. Only country in the world. Well done guys. Very seriously and demonstration of political neutrality.

me want to vomit ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Much Do Angel Bites Cost

Sun? Yes, thank you! Crisis

E' di recente pubblicazione un'iniziativa del Ministero dello Sviluppo Econimico rivolta alle amministrazioni statali, le regioni, le provincie, i comuni e le comunità montane delle regioni Campania, Calabria, Puglia e Sicilia, che potranno chiedere un finanziamento per la realizzazione di impianti per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili su edifici di loro proprietà.
Ci eravamo chiesti come mai non era balenato nella mente di nessuno di ricoprire The Palace (recently renovated) in our country with a bogged down photovoltaic production of electricity from renewable sources. We had responses from readers that lay behind the "no choice" system facts on the ground more or less shared.
And then, taking the "advice" of the Ministry, we are gathered to promote the policy of alternative energy, which we have already discussed in previous posts, but we never tire of advertising. If there was really
volotà, this is the time to transform it into deeds, and it would be wonderful thing if they were to ask citizens (?)
that the country becomes a virtuous example to cui gli altri comuni guardino per trarne esempio e migliorarsi.
L'iniziativa è volta a finanziare impianti su strutture di proprietà degli Enti. Le risorse, con contributi al 100% del costo ammissibile dell'opera, ammontano a 30 milioni di euro.
Ma c'è un dato importante: le richieste di partecipazione vanno inviate non oltre le ore 12:00 del 30 giugno 2010, e noi Campani, Epicurei nell'animo, non abbiamo certo fama di cogliere le cose al momento giusto.
Queste le finalità dell'iniziativa( dal sito del Ministero):

1) promuovere e sostenere l’utilizzo delle fonti rinnovabili negli edifici pubblici

2)diffondere informazioni e conoscenze sui benefici riguardanti l’energia from renewable sources and energy conservation between governments and citizens to
order to promote the emergence of consensus as to the objectives of reducing emissions

3) mechanisms to activate, since the energy objectives - environmental, are able to do a driving force for innovation and development of the productive, especially on a local basis.

think about it, the reasons seem more than acceptable, do not you think?

Who would Read more: this is the main page of the dossier and, still on the page, right, you will find all relevant documents.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Does Meagan Good Do Her Weave

Brava Israel UN: usual gang of hypocrites

say it like it is: Israel has not done well, but did well to keep what he had promised. The naval blockade against that den of terrorists killers is Gaza, and was to be enforced. Not enough to declare in "humanitarian mission", if you bring aid to the scoundrels who bomb civilians, using children as human shields and blow up causing havoc. If you help a terrorist, you're a terrorist. Period. The others are talking good only for those in bad faith as the congregation of clowns who are resting their fat ass and sweaty on the benches of the glass palace.