Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bounty Paper Towels Smells

The range is finished!

start again. After a long pause for "reflection" even if on purpose to return to talk about waste, an issue more relevant than ever in these dark months of late 2010, and in particular the Decree Law of 23 May 2008, No 90 .
Our Mayor has delivered to all households in the country a letter delivered by hand, which tries to explain why there will be [...] the consequent obligation on the part of the authorities to increase its tariffs in order to ensure full coverage of the cost as provided by law.
This increase, as per the Decree, will be applied if the minimum separation of our country, as in other common Campania, will not meet the quotas.
The percentages can be found at this link , Article 11. Well
is to intensify checks on the contractor's collection service; good is to increase the vigilance in order to check the correct disposal of waste, but, in our opinion, is not the right way to check who is wrong or that infringes and sanctioned on fine fine.
The conscious person, the citizen informed the administration that encourages participation by raising awareness and knowledge of administrative action, is essential to bring about a virtuous relationship and trust between citizens and administration City, where it takes advantage of the ability of citizens to be able to propose activities.
would be better to educate people, teach them how and why do different, what benefits the community and the individual item. For example, it could be explained through a one-stop dedicated one day a week, that different, if done well, leads to a decrease in tax on waste, explain that there is the possibility of compost the wet fraction and not confer the most famous bag with the "wet".
E 'as if there was an echo, as if the things you say you come back to repeatedly. We had not already spoken?
[...] I ask you to ... [...] to help in the activities of awareness about the benefits of recycling against those who still do not understand well the reasons and lives as a nuisance. That 's what we were looking for and we will continue to do, and yet, if we have the support of institutions, we will be really happy. With the help of all you could realize a number of initiatives. An island green municipal composters to make and distribute, to raise public awareness, we could even sell the aluminum and plastic earn money. Of course everything should be done according to economic resources, but it starts with small steps, then learn to run!
The "ecological consciousness" is an attitude that can begin to make headway if you implement a kind of circularity of ideas and information between the municipal entity and the citizen, in order to stimulate new attitudes, new questions, and create jobs active participation in environmental protection.
The town of Forks, for its demographic characteristics, morphological features and relational, is in a privileged position to implement a program where citizens and government contribute synergistically to achieve the common good. Although the resolution of global problems, ecological and environmental responsibility in a broader sense and upstream, to political parties, national governments and international, the world economy, for their power to affect production decisions, and economic behavior and individual consumption , Force has all the features so that citizens and local government can undertake to move towards a situation of virtue.
The collection is not a loophole to avoid chasing a penalty on every ton of incoming waste facilities, or to prevent the Commissioner of the management cycle of the same, as stated in the DL 05.23.2008, Article 11, paragraph 1 and 2. Separate collection è una sorta di stile di vita, deve far parte della filosofia di una comunità, ed il perché, qualcuno, è tenuto a spiegarcelo.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gundam 00 Ds How To Play

Dossier of the story, fool etc.

Ultimamente non ho aggiornato il blog: mancanza di tempo e di voglia, ma l'occasione era troppo ghiotta.
Negli ultimi giorni, i quotidiani leccaculo della sinistra ed i telegiornali con le terga aperte verso sinistra, non hanno fatto altro che vomitare le loro cazzate circa il dossier del quotidiano Il Giornale sul presidente della Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia. Tutto questo condito da inchieste dei soliti magistrati; quelli dei grandi scandali gossipari che vengono regolarmente archiviati perche "il reato non sussiste". Ma che importa; intanto i giornaletti fanno da megafono dei finti scandali e i politichini alla di pietro urlano allo scandalo e alla presunta fine della democrazia nel loro stentato italiacano grotesque comedy.
Today the newspaper published the infamous dossier on Marcegaglia, and looks a bit what is it? A collection of articles on four magazines mentioned money talk and gossip of Marcegaglia. Just in recent days that they were screaming and shouting about "dossieraggio" against the same. Just those who expressed solidarity with the president of Confindustria.
Clowns! You are a miserable clowns!
Felt A felt good at that once again you made fun of this gang of little men!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Minnetonka Moccasins Dealers In Mn

Traitors without balls

The Usual quaquaraqua 'politichetta from the circus. These flutter after dagli appartamenti monegaschi e riempiendosi la bocca di parole come legalita', morale, serieta ', se la fanno nelle mutande dalla paura di andare al giudizio degli elettori. Omuncoli penosi.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Zinc Plating Homemade

rid of "comrades" unfair

Bene, era ora. Il PDL si è liberato delle zavorre politiche sleali. Meglio tardi che mai. Fini ed i suoi compagni di merende, dicono di avere "posizioni diverse". Cazzate da kamasutra politico. Lorsignori sono semplicemente personaggi sleali attenti solo alle beghe di partito, alle cosiddette correnti. Ometti piccoli, quaquaraqua' con la faccia di palta. Predicano bene, ma razzolano nel loro guano; come comprare la casa a Monte Carlo con i soldi del partito...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Senior Horse Diarrhea

Happy July 4th! Better specify

Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Niece Flirts With Me

I commenti a cio' che scrivo su questo blog, sono sempre bene accolti; ovviamente, perche' vengano pubblicati, devono essere privi di insulti e scritti in modo civile. E' chiaro che i mentecatti che non essendo in grado di mettere insieme due frasi sensate, si limitano ad insultare, non verranno pubblicati. Ah, dimenticavo, questo vale anche per i senzapalle that even afraid to sign.
I apologize to my readers if I did they bother with these notes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Blister On Penis

Primal news

Europe on the brink of a new economic crisis, Hungary is on the verge of bankruptcy. The government had rigged the accounts and the deficit is 7.5% of GDP and not 3.8 as stated by the previous government of liars (left). This also happens to open the doors of the EU to all ...

Yet another picture of chocolate by Peter and his partiticchio, our hero, so to speak, preach, but is always caught with their hands in the cookie jar, bravo toni; usual spotless little person, eh?

The judges do their good political strikes. Only country in the world. Well done guys. Very seriously and demonstration of political neutrality.

me want to vomit ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Much Do Angel Bites Cost

Sun? Yes, thank you! Crisis

E' di recente pubblicazione un'iniziativa del Ministero dello Sviluppo Econimico rivolta alle amministrazioni statali, le regioni, le provincie, i comuni e le comunità montane delle regioni Campania, Calabria, Puglia e Sicilia, che potranno chiedere un finanziamento per la realizzazione di impianti per la produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili su edifici di loro proprietà.
Ci eravamo chiesti come mai non era balenato nella mente di nessuno di ricoprire The Palace (recently renovated) in our country with a bogged down photovoltaic production of electricity from renewable sources. We had responses from readers that lay behind the "no choice" system facts on the ground more or less shared.
And then, taking the "advice" of the Ministry, we are gathered to promote the policy of alternative energy, which we have already discussed in previous posts, but we never tire of advertising. If there was really
volotà, this is the time to transform it into deeds, and it would be wonderful thing if they were to ask citizens (?)
that the country becomes a virtuous example to cui gli altri comuni guardino per trarne esempio e migliorarsi.
L'iniziativa è volta a finanziare impianti su strutture di proprietà degli Enti. Le risorse, con contributi al 100% del costo ammissibile dell'opera, ammontano a 30 milioni di euro.
Ma c'è un dato importante: le richieste di partecipazione vanno inviate non oltre le ore 12:00 del 30 giugno 2010, e noi Campani, Epicurei nell'animo, non abbiamo certo fama di cogliere le cose al momento giusto.
Queste le finalità dell'iniziativa( dal sito del Ministero):

1) promuovere e sostenere l’utilizzo delle fonti rinnovabili negli edifici pubblici

2)diffondere informazioni e conoscenze sui benefici riguardanti l’energia from renewable sources and energy conservation between governments and citizens to
order to promote the emergence of consensus as to the objectives of reducing emissions

3) mechanisms to activate, since the energy objectives - environmental, are able to do a driving force for innovation and development of the productive, especially on a local basis.

think about it, the reasons seem more than acceptable, do not you think?

Who would Read more: this is the main page of the dossier and, still on the page, right, you will find all relevant documents.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How Does Meagan Good Do Her Weave

Brava Israel UN: usual gang of hypocrites

say it like it is: Israel has not done well, but did well to keep what he had promised. The naval blockade against that den of terrorists killers is Gaza, and was to be enforced. Not enough to declare in "humanitarian mission", if you bring aid to the scoundrels who bomb civilians, using children as human shields and blow up causing havoc. If you help a terrorist, you're a terrorist. Period. The others are talking good only for those in bad faith as the congregation of clowns who are resting their fat ass and sweaty on the benches of the glass palace.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Level Hack

Beautiful "work" in the Caribbean ... Logically

The PM Antonio Ingroia, after the Council of State has canceled his appointment as a deputy prosecutor in Palermo, Sicily because of the decision "abnormal" that did not meet the criteria for selection of candidates made by the CSM has of that console, and the same CSM, decided to send it, along with a colleague at a training course in the Caribbean.
But how nice! The course does not take place in Chub al Lambro, but in the Caribbean! Trallallero trallallà! The same
PM has wisely said "... enormous amount of work on the desks, non possiamo correre il rischio che si subiscano ulteriori rallentamenti".
Siamo certi che un bel corso di formazione al sole caraibico, eliminerà il problema dell'enorme mole di lavoro che purtroppo si trova sulle scrivanie dei tribunali siciliani. Per fortuna che il CSM si occupa anche di queste cosette con la saggezza dovuta. Bene.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Jewel Tone Color Wheel

"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sciatica Treatment More Condition_symptoms

forget! Dioxin


Doctors Without Borders published its new annual report "forgotten humanitarian crises by the media in 2009" that for the first time in the form of a book (Marsilio Editori). The publication includes the relationship with the sixth "Top Ten" on the most serious humanitarian crisis and ignored by the media in 2009:

Who needs health care is having to make a choice impractical to address a travel hundreds of miles through the war zone trying to reach a medical center, or wait for the risk that the disease escalates dangerously, and then present a hospital that is no longer able to provide appropriate care to save his life ... if we know something by the news and it is thanks only to Emergency Doctors Without Borders.
In 2009, the Somali population has continued to be victims of indiscriminate violence, while the drought has devastated parts of the country. Millions of people are in urgent need of medical care, but the huge gap between the demands of the Somalis and the humanitarian response in the field continues to grow.

PAKISTAN Pakistan has been devastated by intense violence throughout 2009. The conflict between the Pakistani army and armed groups in North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) has resulted in the displacement of over two million people, while several bombings in major Pakistani cities have killed hundreds and wounded thousands. Across the country, people are the victim of a total lack of medical care and Pakistan presents one of the highest rates of child and maternal mortality in the area.

child malnutrition is estimated that each year about 3.5000000 to 5,000,000 children die of malnutrition-related causes, one death every six seconds. Yet malnutrition is easy to prevent and treat disease.
Oltre alla crisi in corso nel Darfur, la popolazione del Sudan meridionale ha dovuto far fronte a un aggravarsi della situazione causato da un incremento della violenza, dal diff ondersi di epidemie e dallo scarso, se non inesistente, accesso alle cure mediche.
Nel 2005 i leader mondiali, in occasione del G8 in Scozia, si sono impegnati a sostenere la copertura finanziaria per le cure dell’AIDS in tutto il mondo entro il 2010. Ora quegli stessi leader stanno venendo meno agli impegni presi. Si stima che circa 6 milioni di persone malate di HIV/AIDS nei paesi in via di sviluppo abbiano bisogno di terapie antiretrovirali (ARV). L’AIDS è una delle principali cause di morte tra le donne in età fertile in tutto il mondo e rappresenta oltre il 40% dei decessi di bambini sotto i cinque anni nei paesi a più alta prevalenza di virus HIV. L’80% di tutti i decessi in Botswana e i due terzi di tutti i decessi in Lesotho, Swaziland e Zimbabwe sono causati da questa malattia.
Le cinque guerre dall’esito incerto scoppiate nel governatorato di Saada, nello Yemen settentrionale, hanno portato a una sesta guerra, finora la più intensa. Obiettivi civili e non militari, come gli ospedali, sono stati duramente colpiti dagli attacchi. Un’emergenza nutrizionale è stata riscontrata fra i bambini sradicati dalle loro case. Per la prima volta un paese confi nante, l’Arabia Saudita, has been involved in ConfL itto, further worsening the already critical situation of civilians.
While the fighting raged between the Sri Lankan army and Tamil Tigers (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) in northern Sri Lanka, tens of thousands of civilians have been trapped for months in a war zone, reduced to a small strip of jungle and beach, with no help and with limited medical care. A few months before the fi ne of the civil war, humanitarian organizations, including MSF, had to leave the areas most affected by the clashes, the government's request. Only the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was able to continue to provide basic medical care. From February 2009, MSF surgical team working in one of these hospitals near Vavuniya.
Throughout 2009, the inhabitants of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have faced the unremitting violence of armed groups belonging to different factions. Hundreds of people have been killed, thousands of women, children and sometimes men have been raped, and hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes. In North Kivu by the armed clashes between the guerrilla factions have gone: every group terrorizing the population and set fire to the houses of a village to avenge the alleged appoggio fornito dagli abitanti alla fazione rivale.
Più di 400 milioni di persone sono a rischio a causa delle malattie tropicali dimenticate, come la leishmaniosi viscerale (kala-azar), la malattia del sonno, la malattia di Chagas e l’ulcera di Buruli. Le prime tre sono tra le più mortali e tutte e quattro sono state evidenziate dall’OMS come particolarmente problematiche, perché il trattamento e gli strumenti di diagnosi sono vecchi e inefficienti, o peggio inesistenti, con intere popolazioni di pazienti bloccate in aree remote o a rischio alle quali è difficile o impossibile accedere. Inoltre, la ricerca
e sviluppo di nuovi medicinali e presidi diagnostici sono tristemente privi di fondi sufficienti.

Sono passati undici anni dalla pubblicazione della prima lista annuale compilata da MSF delle dieci tra le crisi con l’Osservatorio di Pavia, ha cominciato a indagare la copertura delle crisi nei telegiornali italiani. Nel comunicato stampa che nel 1998 accompagnava la prima Top Ten delle crisi dimenticate, il direttore di MSF Stati Uniti spiegava che senza un’informazione adeguata viene a mancare la possibilità di creare una risposta da parte delle persone e della società a eventi che hanno conseguenze negative su molte persone e che potrebbero un giorno averle anche per noi. I notiziari monitorati sono quelli della Rai e di Mediaset negli orari canonici delle edizioni all’ ora di pranzo e di cena.
Ecco alcuni risultati:
Numero di notizie dedicate a eventi/contesti di crisi (come sopra) in tutti i tg monitorati nell’ anno 2009:
Altre notizie 94%
Crisi 6%
Servizi dedicati a crisi per rete (dato percentuale):
Rai 1 7,58%
Rai 2 6,97%
Rai 3 10,04%
Rete 4 5,60%
Canale 5 5,30%
Italia 1 3,43%
Confronto fra alcune crisi ed altri eventi:
ANNO 2006
Tubercolosi 3 notizie
Influenza aviaria (se ancora la ricordate…) 410 notizie
Darfur, Somalia, Congo, Rep. Centrafricana, Ciad 41 notizie
Paris Hilton 63 notizie
ANNO 2008
Malnutrizione 110 notizie
Sudan 53 notizie
Colera in Zimbabwe 12 notizie
Carla Bruni 208 notizie

Risulta evidente la tendenza dei telegiornali (e information programs in general) to introduce elements of entertainment next to pieces of information ... perhaps audience to do more?
The news focuses mainly on what happens and not its causes and its consequences ... to certain facts can no longer recall even if v 'is a conviction or not, or not?
average propensity to favor the selection of news and dramatic events at the same time the rapid and spectacular "telegenic." More than an event has negative consequences, more likely to become news, plus a routine event breaks, the more likely will be selected ... see bird flu & Swine!

TRAETENE the necessary conclusions

To view the 'full report of MSF click here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tattoo In Genital Women

to Pitchfork!

A friend of a friend of mine told me that his friend knew through a friend who almost certainly saw wandering around the town of dioxin Force.
This is the voice that was shot for a while 'time, not too remote, in our small town.
As if, when she stopped, Mrs. Dioxin, we had not seen ... Anathema!
Moved by a civic duty, but more from a personal curiosity, quality che TUTTI dovrebbero avere, abbiamo scomodato direttamente chi avrebbe dovuto accertare l’effettiva presenza di inquinanti sul territorio, constatando che l’unica istituzione pubblica che ha effettuato campionamenti è stata La ASL, e i risultati, negativi e pubblicati sul sito dell’ARPACampania, non hanno confermato quelle voci allarmiste che tanto preoccupavano qualcuno. Deo Gratias!

Ma adesso, consigli per i cittadini!
Se per caso avete un dubbio, un tarlo che vi rode, parlatene con gli altri, discutetene ed organizzatevi.
Chiedete alle istituzioni, che lavorano per voi, che sono vostri dipendenti, magari con una petizione sottoscritta, che volete un controllo sul territorio per dispel any doubt.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Install Meadco Scriptx

waste. . . to throw away! I'm with

E 'appeared in the Corriere di Caserta on 18 March to 22 page article with the following title "Regi complain, on the gallows at Box Office 12 and the second illegal dumping landfill . The journalist Maria Bertone back in ' article that "... 14 points, on the gallows at Box Office, escape the law, common sense, respect for' environment and citizens ..." "... the catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe Royal complain includes 103 municipalities, with a population that exceeds half million residents ... ". However one of the most alarming of this article, at least for us citizens of Force, and represented by a photo caption stating that "is one of the illegal dumping site near the canal near Force. not currently clear to us where this landfill is located, of course for Force, this is not an isolated phenomenon. There are several episodes in which our region has witnessed, especially the victim.
Those who have responsibility for the leadership of our country are certainly not responsible for the spill as such (if that were the case would be the height), but certainly are responsible for the failure to adopt adequate preventive measures.
This picture illustrates the condition the road that runs alongside the cemetery on 11 February 2010. The situation is the same today. However ripetutasi situation several times over the years.
What can be seen in the background is a sign that warns of the litter because the area under video surveillance.
Introducing the 'magnification.
At this point there are two things: •
c 'is an' action against those responsible and we are not aware (although the sign is about a simple fine)
• This is a warning sign the kind that makes the mother to the child by telling him that if he does the good o 'mama's boy if he is to take, but the child because he cares very long understood that the 'man in question does not exist. In this case it is understood that there is the camera.
However, the area in question is the subject of other episodes to be taken into account.
"What do all these wastes in the space behind the wall of the cemetery?" "It 's an area seized?"
If the answer is yes, where are the seals? How can that still keeps spilled "rubbish" in this place?
If the answer is no, because these wastes have not yet been removed?
"And this body giant? " " It 's our property or rent? "
If our property something must be done because there' is someone who takes advantage of throwing to 'domestic waste of any kind.
If is rented can not understand why such a choice, however, we would like to know since they are spending public money (our money =).
"And this other box?"
"Need for company? Used to relieve the loneliness of the first? "

L 'incivility is a virus so ubiquitous, a virus that has properties that make it very compatible with the 'other virus of ill repute. Precisely for this reason those who minister to us must do more, before the evil becomes stronger than the cure. The City
(establishment) converge is where the interests of all of us citizens and interests at the forefront of these c 'is certainly the one to live in a healthy environment for the good of our health and that of our children . It 's been a short time by the regional elections. Our hope is that at the top of the demands that our administrators will have to do the various "reference policy", there is the ability to be a real help to safeguard the health of their villagers. Surely we as citizens must do our part, with the 'intent to be together to compact the' goal of protecting our territory and consequently our health. However, even if it means being compact draw 'attention, draw to' order who is distracted by other sirens, then we are doing with these considerations, because our commitment ERA / E '/ SARA' for the growth of our country.
We hope, sincerely & WITH ALL YOUR HEART, that is / becoming the destination of all of you citizens of Forchia because together we can build a better future.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Steps To Building A House In Ontario


On 10 April at about 13, Italian time, were taken / arrested three Italians (Dell'Aira Matthew, Mark and Matthew Garay Pagani) and six Afghan Emergency. These people have plotted to kill the governor of Helmand province. L 'charge would be proven by the discovery, to' act 's arrest, two pistols, nine grenades and two explosive belts. It should be
make some considerations.
FIRST: think of the Italian doctors go in this remote area of \u200b\u200bthe world to treat "unfortunate people" and in his spare time he began to organize attacks ... that is the time to leave. However, the hope is that as soon as possible to reveal the truth and that our countrymen tornino dalle loro famiglie.
SECONDO: si era detto che si trattava di un' operazione della polizia afgana ed infatti ieri un portavoce dell'Alleanza aveva smentito la partecipazione dell'Isaf. In realtà c' è un video che mostra i soldati britannici non solo fuori dall'ospedale per un cordone di protezione ma anche all'interno.
TERZO: Emergency continua a sbattere in faccia al mondo la verità dura e cruda di una guerra in atto e non di una missione di pace (noi italiani dovremmo ricordarcelo perchè è stata presentata così la missione, al fine di avere l' approvazione del finanziamento da parte del parlamento). Una guerra in cui il 40% dei bambini finisce sotto i bombardamenti .
QUARTO: il Centro chirurgico di Lashkar-gah ha operato 60.000 visite e 10.000 interventi chirurgici. Più in generale, dal 1999 a oggi EMERGENCY ha curato gratuitamente oltre 2.500.000 cittadini afgani e costruito tre ospedali, un centro di maternità e una rete di 28 posti di primo soccorso.
CONCLUSIONI: Emergency è un' organizzazione umanitaria indipendente che lavora per le persone più sfortunate al mondo, senza distinzioni fra amici e nemici (dovremmo prendere esempio) .

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Report Accident To Police Calgary

A country that is gone (... tanks Sunni)

Forchia is a small country that should enhance and recover the ancient heritage, such as tanks, Sunni, evidence of a past that we saw more stars than we are in our present.
tanks, a monument to ineptitude
all'incuria and now abandoned,
are a work in stone built by our ancient ancestors to ensure a steady supply of water to the population even in times of drought, but today they are reduced to a pile of debris and garbage and used as a dustbin. Even
are invaded by the land that has now almost completely covered them, which should not be possible perché l'opera è stata restaurata di recente. Restauro durante il quale nessuno ha pensato di rimuovere il terreno dall' interno delle cisterne per sostituirlo, magari, con dei supporti in legno che molto di più avrebbero valorizzato l'opera stessa. In compenso, come si evince da vecchi racconti, qualcuno ha notato ed altri asportato dalle cisterne pezzi di antico vasellame ed altri reperti. Che cosa racconteremo ad un ipotetica scolaresca che venendo da un altro paese facesse richiesta di una visita guidata alle cisterne? Forse proveremo a distrarli ancora parlandogli delle mirabolanti gesta di qualche nostro conterraneo sannita? Come siamo arrivati a tutto questo? Perché la società civile si è distratta per tanto tempo? Davvero I just believe that anything that happens depends on your commitment or your indignation? That after all have something to live so we should live their daily lives and nothing else? There are enough answers to go on these? Simply say "I do not do anything wrong, they are an honest person" to feel innocent? Let them pass the news on the skin and soul? So it always has been, or not? Or delegate to associations, church, military, journalists and others to denounce makes you worry? A calm that makes you go to bed happy, but maybe not in peace? There really is enough?
We no longer enough.
Defending our country is a duty. A duty
that involves everyone.
... and that can no longer say "I did not know!"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Does Ice Cream Soothe Heartburn

water Incontinence

Shortly after the publication of the post Incontinence Hydro on our Blog, started again the construction activities.

We like to think that our interest is complicit in this activity can resume.

Good job!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wholesale Corset Busks

Prosegue il "trip" allucinato di Bersani, in arte Pier Luigi. Nel suo bilancio elettorale chiosa:
" Il risultato elettorale? Non e' una vittoria ma neanche una sconfitta. " Effettivamente dipende much on how much 'used Vaseline ...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fix Road Rash On A Bike

Helps Give numbers

OK. The results of the regional authorities are now clear. The governing left 11 regions out of 13, after this administration, it will rule '7. For math, this is a loss of four regions, namely a rout! The rompers
the various parties and left-match, despite the evidence of the facts, they claim to have won, to have "reversed the trend," and other similar jerk. Here there are doubts about the cause of their statements:
  • high alcohol level?
  • sunburn?
  • mental illness?
  • strange substances?
  • conviction to speak to the people of dementia?
  • influence by aliens from Mars?
  • reading a script for a circus?
mystery ... Fortunately for people you stack that are not the government!

COMEDY ADDITIONAL NOTE: I will now read (at 1:34 am Italian time) on the Home Page of the site of the Republic: " parties: the Democratic Party takes the PDL loses 6% compared to the European . The newspaper confirms a nullity 'journalism and a factory of balls: how do they keep saying that the PD? And lose the PDL compared to Europe, then voted when all of Italy and now only 13 regions out of 20? They, too, so I know too many who have uncorked bottles (and too early!)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cornflower Blue Satin Ribbon

That League of Plato

Even if the network and 'full of quotes from large and small sneak fathers of human thought, every now and should carefully review their words:

"when the citizens agree that happen in anyone's home, from wherever it comes, can acquire the same rights as those who built it and there is born, when leaders tolerate all this to gain votes and consensus in the name of a freedom that consumes and corrupts every rule and order .... So democracy dies: to abuse of herself, and before that in the blood, ridicule

It 's a perfect description of what' that is happening today. That fascistone League, a little 'and ignorant boor, and even a little racist Plato wrote about 2400 years ago in "The Republic" *. Certainly those who are 'in bad faith, will find' a justification in his own little head south wind, to go further and deny the obvious.

* ps: specification for the consumption of any disaster mental and (the) letter "to Peter," and the reference 'to the Dialogues of Plato, not the toilet paper daily directed by Ezio Mauro

Friday, March 26, 2010

Am I Paranoid About Herpes?

There are bad politicians, but politicians unwell. Falqui, just the word. Hard Times

"From Pierre, stop pushing" - "Do not riescoooo"

There 's a shift in policy Bersani; affirms himself in his show at the gates of Mirafiori. "I feel reversed, a boost." Dear
Pier Luigi, you know I do not mess with laxatives. You better run to the beaches that most 'are appropriate for your condition as a "push". And then, concentrated less on certain ideas, or increase your tendency to push.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Do You Have Two Implantation Bleeds With Twins

Photovoltaics literally means light-electricity ".
Renewable sources of energy are those that can be considered inexhaustible, plus have a negligible impact on the environment. Renewable energy is one of the tools identified at the international level is to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions required by Kyoto Protocol and beyond, but also to reduce economic dependence on oil producing countries ( Seven Sisters ). To promote the use of photovoltaic, or rather, of these renewable sources, the European Union has set a target to be reached this year, a production of energy from renewable sources 22% of total consumption. Italy adopted the EU Directive and from the 90s to promote incentive systems economy.
In the case of photovoltaics, where it produces the electricity needed, no maintenance, does not damage the environment and offers the advantage of being tailor-made.
For the time is still high development cost, but it becomes economically viable with the forms of financial incentives from the state with the "Energy Bill .
The energy account is a special incentive for the installation of grid connected photovoltaic systems (grid connection) from 1kWp to 1 MWp. Provides for compensation for 20 years by the Manager of the national transmission grid, the kWh produced by the photovoltaic system, at a price higher than the market. Be eligible for the Energy Bill is the natural and legal persons and then private companies and public institutions like our town.
I wondered if among the many mortgages and loans requested by our directors, we pay with our hate / love council tax, there was not one asked for the construction of a photovoltaic system that generates electricity and pays for itself.
You can make small, targeted interventions, installations and equipment on the roofs of public buildings.
Recently in our town has been carried out yet another restructuring of the multi-purpose hall, and, far from us, the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling a photovoltaic system on the roof.
"S'avessa fern or sun? "

... here's an example of what could be achieved ...

But neither is flashed in the mind of any administrator, to create a small solar-thermal (hot water free ... free ... forever), not only to reduce costs management of a sports facility, but also to ensure a hot shower for the athletes who use the facilities, choosing to install the system on roofs of football pitches with changing rooms as the field of municipal Forchia, it also recently expanded.

More than 90% of energy on our planet comes from the sun.
choose to capture this energy is not only a source of income or savings, is not a political or partisan, but is an unmistakable sign of love for the planet and its inhabitants.

Pokemon Color Emulator

While there in the banana republic, continued the political farce in stipendiary sauce on this side of the ocean Obama can celebrate the gift given to the drug mafia and the health system in general. 930 billion dollars over ten years, will weigh on the shoulders degli americani. Bel passo avanti...