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Friday, March 11, 2011

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Ansa, 12/03/2011

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No vittime italiane.

L’asse terrestre si sposta di dieci centimetri, un oceano è scassato da maremoti, e noi – qui – “no vittime italiane”. Probabilmente è completezza di informazione.

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Joseph Ratzinger non è il primo e non sarà l’ultimo teologo a indossare i panni del biblista. It is not just a personal matter, it is not just the human desire to escape from his responsibility for evidence in other fields. It has always, since Christianity has run built in system, theology went to supervise the rest, ready to intervene, often determined, at times even cruel, to put at risk as the unit altogether.
The threat arising from the study of the Bible is a constant concern of theology, if one considers the fact that for centuries it was forbidden to approach it without the help of a cleric, just think of the fact that one of the most dramatic on which it is consumed Lutheran schism fu la traduzione della Scrittura in lingua volgare e la sua diffusione a mezzo stampa, basti pensare al fatto che il modernismo mosse i suoi passi dalle ricerche storiche e dagli studi filologici sul cristianesimo delle origini. E il modernismo ha perso, ma ha provocato un altro scisma, anche se sommerso.

Non è soltanto la voglia di cimentarsi in un campo che non è mai stato suo, dunque, a muovere un teologo come Joseph Ratzinger a una prova come il suo Gesù di Nazaret , oggi al secondo volume, ma è l’esigenza di riaffermare il primato della lettura teologica su quella storico-critica, come peraltro è in manifesto con la Verbum Domini which followed the Synod of the Word 2008.
myths behind the ways of those who almost apologizes for having put his hand in a matter that is not his own, calling for "advance of sympathy" toward "his" Jesus, there is a theologian who became Pope claims a reading of the Gospels under the constraint of the true faith that it would only guarantee of correct interpretation. It may be too much even for those who are Catholic because Catholicism is a little Protestantization from Vatican II onward, but it's too much for those who are not Catholic, and it is foolish to claim those who are not believers and refusing approaches to the text solutions of reading is not argued by reason, especially if they claim that the scale deposited on the text over the centuries of exegetical monopoly are considered integral parts of the same, as if the author of the written word eighteen or nineteen centuries ago still breathed the breath of someone who declares official interpreter.

Joseph Ratzinger knows this and so he put his hands on for now. He knew that he could fool - as he cheated, as the gullible will grant - on the trial and death, but he knew that this time the 'advance of sympathy "had to be huge, said that without faith in the resurrection crucified it's just a poor man.
In commenting on the post that will follow Jesus of Nazareth vol. II leave aside this ridiculous request: the madness of believing that the dead raised up remains so in front of a billion odd lunatics who claim to have happened. I will confine myself to the rest, why dwell on the arguments in favor of the future resurrection of the dead was a theologian who thinks he can demonstrate in writing with the only possible reading - the theological - it is just too much.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Justice Reform / 1

"Sorting court: (1) Unit of Pm (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112
where the Pm is distinct from the judges), (2) Responsibilities Guardasigilli verso il Parlamento
sull’operato del Pm (modifica costituzionale); […] (4) Riforma del Consiglio superiore
della magistratura che deve essere responsabile verso il Parlamento
(modifica costituzionale); (5) [...] S eparare le carriere requirente e giudicante”
Licio Gelli, Piano di Rinascita Democratica , 1981 (?)

"Building the country in terms of a parts based on political reasons"
Giuliano Ferrara, Il Foglio, 03.11.2011

Let's see what it is.

Article. 87 of the Constitution (Title II - The President of the Republic) states in paragraph ten: "The President Republic of [...] shall preside over the Council of the Judiciary ... ". Here the art. A reform of the text presented yesterday by the Government adds "... judges and the Superior Council of Magistracy prosecutor" .
You made the so-called "separation of careers" .

● In the second paragraph of Article. 101 of the Constitution reads: "Judges are subject only to the law" . Here the art. 2 rewrites the text of the reform: "The courts are an autonomous and independent of all power and shall be subject only to the law ", incorporating the first paragraph of art. 104: "The judiciary is an autonomous and independent of all other powers" , raising "other" , but without substantial change in direction. Or so it seems.

So it would seem also to the art. 4, which corrects the first paragraph of Article. 102 ( "The judicial function is exercised by ordinary magistrates empowered and regulated by rules of judicial" ) that rewrites "jurisdiction" al posto di “funzione giurisdizionale” . Dato quanto alla voluta “separazione delle carriere” , la correzione sembra possa avere un suo senso.

L’art. 5 del testo di riforma riscrive l’art. 104 della Costituzione in funzione di questa separazione tra “giudici e pubblici ministeri” , mentre l’art. 6 e l’art. 7 vi aggiungono quanto ne consegue per i due distinti Consigli superiori della magistratura, quello giudicante e quello requirente, che, come abbiamo visto all’art. 1, sono entrambi sono presieduti dal Presidente della Repubblica.

Article. 6 offers a significant change in the composition of the High Council of the judiciary, whose members would be to "elect half by all ordinary courts in the same category after the draw of the candidates, half by the Parliament in joint session between college professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice ", while the vice president should be chosen " among the members appointed by the Parliament ".
Again, as in the text of the Constitution, "the elected members of the Council remain in office for four years and are not re-elected" , but there is a slight variation because the art. 104, sixth paragraph, which reads "are not immediately re-elected" .

Article. 7 However, under the composition of the Council of the Judiciary prosecutor, whose members should "elect half of all prosecutors in the same category after the draw of the candidates, half by the Parliament in joint session from among full professors universities in law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice ". Here too, the Vice-President should be chosen "among the members appointed by the Parliament" , again skip the ' "immediately" on their not rieleggibilità.

Article. 8 of the text of the Article appropriate reforms. 105 of the Constitution "separation of careers" with regard to self. Where the Charter currently provides that "The High Council of Judiciary, in accordance with the regulations of legal, recruitment, assignments and transfers, promotions and disciplinary measures for judges ", has made adequate distinction between the Board of Governors of the judiciary and the Council of the Judiciary prosecutor.

So also for the art. 9 that separates the two Court of discipline of the judiciary. Here, too, has taken on the criterion by which "components of each section [...] half elected by Parliament in joint sitting and half of all the judges and prosecutors" , with a President and a Vice President to be elected both "among the members appointed by the Parliament" .

We are right in the middle of the text of the reform, which is composed of 18 articles, and maybe we can already make some consideration.
The Government is not limited to separate careers, but make duplicates of the Council of the Judiciary and the Disciplinary Court of the Judiciary in a new relationship with Parliament, which is in quantitative and qualitative. It reaffirmed the autonomy and independence of the judiciary so in two separate, but the subordination of the Justice Policy is fortemente accentuato, anche se indirettamente, attraverso una ridefinizione degli organi di autogoverno e di controllo disciplinare. Se qui facciamo un salto all’art. 15 che intende modificare l’art. 112 della Costituzione ( “Il pubblico ministero ha l’obbligo di esercitare l’azione penale” ), aggiungendovi “secondo i criteri stabiliti dalla legge” , pare chiara l’intenzione di mettere la Giustizia al guinzaglio della Politica. D’altra parte, come vedremo più avanti, in almeno altri due punti, le prerogative della magistratura vengono a trovarsi condizionate dai “criteri stabiliti dalla legge” , namely the legislature, ie the policy. The erosion of autonomy and judicial independence is not declared as the ultimate goal of reform, but it is clear that in doing so.
We would expect strong resistance to this design.


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Saviano does not tell bales

"In July 1883 the philosopher Benedetto Croce was vacationing with his family in Casamicciola, Ischia. He was a boy of seventeen. He was at the dinner table with mom, his sister and father and was about to take place. Suddenly, as a lightweight, he saw his father waving and immediately sank to the floor, while his sister jumped up toward the roof. Terrified, she tried with her eyes and her mother joined her on the balcony, from which rushed along. Fainted and was buried up to his neck in rubble. For several hours the father spoke to him before disappearing. Said, "who offer to save you a hundred thousand lire." Benedict will be the only survivor of his family massacred by the earthquake " (Roberto Saviano, Come away with me , Feltrinelli, 2011 - p. 7)..

was not the first time Roberto Saviano recounted this episode in the life of Benedetto Croce, had already done on April 14, 2009 the Republic, and of course during a monologue aired on Raitre ( The earthquake in L'Aquila ), then collected in the volume of the Press, and always giving the father of the philosopher, the only sentence on March 8 he was challenged by Marta Herling, nephew of Benedetto Croce, with a letter to the Corriere del Mezzogiorno :

"Where the author of 'Gomorra' has drawn the reconstruction of that tragedy? From his mind as a prophet of the past and future, a writer whose fame earned with his debut, was dragged by the wave of media and publishing market, which is not allowed to verify the correspondence between words and deeds, or teach the history, including the story, the narrative of events, and sources, the documents that are a direct witness. [...] Where Saviano has overheard the story it tells in the incipit of his monologue? Certainly not from reading the text of his main character because the surviving text that has been handed down intact without another word of comment or explanation, in our memories and family in the biographies of the philosopher, who reported to illustrate the tragic page of life his and his loved ones " .

And here is the lady to follow up on the events of July 1883 taken from "Memories of my life (Italian Institute for Historical Studies, 1966), in which undoubtedly there is no trace of THAT ' "offered one hundred thousand pounds to those who saves you' . So Saviano tells bales? No, far from it.
The April 13, 1950 was also released on Today a long interview with the philosopher, collected by Ugo Pirro, who wrote:

"in the disaster remained buried even the Cross family, including Frank. The mother and sister Mary were swallowed up by rubble, but the father died after long suffering waiting in vain for help, a step away from Benedict that stuck because nothing could be done with the whole body from the rubble of the house. The youth was extracted with a shattered leg and an injured arm. Benedict was among the latest casualties to be transported to Naples, its terms do not raise excessive worries. A reporter, turning lanes between hospitals in Naples, interviewed him and so he reported what the young man told Cross that terrible night: "Yesterday was also transported to the eldest son of Naples Comm. Cross, and he is severely wounded in the leg and arm. Died on comm. Cross, his wife and a daughter. The young survivor of this very rich family Foggia, established over many years in Naples, retains a clear memory of what happened. His mother and sister disappeared into the vortex of the collapse, nor heard any of their voice. He who was seated at a table together with his father fell. The father was covered everything from the rubble, but he spoke from half past nine on Saturday until eleven o'clock am the following Sunday. Frank was buried up to their necks in the stones, however, had his head out of them. The boy was lifted from the ruins around noon, shortly before his father had stopped talking. It is said that with great common sense would say to a child 'to sell a hundred thousand lire Who will save you '"" .

the publication of the interview did not raise objections to the philosopher, but his nephew has to say well 61 years later.

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Wisdom of Formica

"We need a parliamentary majority in Parliament its draft constitutional law already anticipated in the electoral program" so Rino Formica ( Il Foglio, 03.10.2011 ). It is an invitation to re-read that program, the point about justice:

"Further steps in the 2001/2006 term by the Berlusconi government, with the completion of the reform of codes and the final rationalization of existing laws and the implementation of the principles set out by the rulings of the Constitutional Court, not yet transposed into legislation ".
been almost three years, and where are we?

"Implementation of the constitutional principles of due process for greater protection of victims and suspects" .
Col quick process, which would be afforded protection to victims?

“Aumento delle risorse per la giustizia, con un nuovo programma di priorità nell’allocazione delle risorse: più razionalità nelle spese, più investimenti nell’amministrazione della giustizia quotidiana, a partire dalla giustizia civile” .
Non ci sono stati solo tagli?

“Garanzia della certezza della pena, con la previsione che i condannati con sentenza definitiva scontino effettivamente la pena inflitta ed esclusione degli sconti di pena per i recidivi e per chi abbia commesso reati di particolare gravità e di allarme sociale”.
Ammesso che sia un segmento della soluzione ai problemi della nostra giustizia, che si è fatto?

“Inasprimento delle pene per i reati di violenza sui minori e sulle donne; gratuito patrocinio a favore delle vittime; istituzione del Tribunale della famiglia, per garantire i diritti fondamentali dei componenti del nucleo familiare” .
Qui si è fatto qualcosa, sì, ma nulla che possa definirsi riforma costituzionale.

“Costruzione di nuove carceri e ristrutturazione di quelle esistenti” .
Evitiamo di entrare in argomento.

"Strengthening of the division of functions in the judiciary, as in all European countries, compared with practitioners for a reform of even greater security for the citizens to reconsider the organization of the judiciary, In compliance with the constitutional principles ".
very strict principles that require a constitutional reform to introduce the changes desired by the center, not the implementation, therefore, we must speak, but for the waiver. We are off to program.

"Restrictions on the use of wiretaps and environmental contrast to the most serious crimes, prohibition of the dissemination and publication of the wiretaps and the environment, with heavy penalties against all those who contribute to the dissemination and publication ".
You tried, just the sky, you tried. But even with such a large majority, little or nothing.

"including constitutional reform legislation in regard to criminal liability, civil and disciplinary liability of judges in order to increase guarantees for citizens' .
Campa horse.

"Completing the reform of the Code of Civil Procedure with a relaxation of the definition of time and incentives for extra-judicial procedures" .
keep me on point, I know very little: you have done?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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[...] "The 'our' society "

necessarily Children need a mother and a father to thrive? Their psyche reveals details if problems are raised by a gay couple? On Future , last 16 February, Joseph Anzalone it was taken for granted, but the Italian Association of Psychology has taken action to correct what he called "statements that are not reflected in international research on the relationship between family relations and psycho-social development of individuals" , because "the psychosocial well-being of members of family groups is not so much tied to the form that the group gained, as to the quality of processes and relationship dynamics that are actualized inside .
Things now common knowledge, but who knows how many more times will you repeat them to those who defend, even against the evidence, these and a hundred other worn-out cliches. But then there is Professor Francesco D'Agostino, who does not deny the evidence, but tries to dodge the issue: the problem is not "psychological, but anthropological .
"At least in principle - he writes - we might even agree [" "that what is important for the welfare of children is the quality of family environment that parents provide them, regardless of whether that they are cohabiting, separated, remarried, single, same-sex "(as claimed by the press of psychologists)" ] But rather what should be dear to all is to reaffirm that every society, or at least certainly 'our' society is based on stable family structures and recognized, with a potential and natural fertility, a foundation of personal morality (the mutual commitment of the spouses) and a public legal recognition (marriage). [...] It should be clear to everybody that the care and protection they are entitled to children should be routinely backed by a parental couple and a 'normal' family environment and not a mere 'good will' psychological willing adults generously to take care of them " ( Avvenire, 9.3.2011).
D’improvviso, il bambino ha smesso di stare al centro della questione: nel negare la sua adozione da parte di una coppia gay, il suo benessere sembrava fosse la cosa più importante, adesso non lo è più. Adesso al centro delle preoccupazioni è “la «nostra» società” , “il «normale» contesto familiare” , “l’esperienza storica e morale plurisecolare” . E qui ogni “ricerca internazionale sul rapporto fra relazioni familiari e sviluppo psicosociale degli individui” diventa inutile: le tautologie di «nostro» e «normale» rendono insignificante ogni rilievo scientifico. Provate a cambiare i termini della questione e con questo tipo di argomentazione, contro ogni ragione, si può difendere ogni cosa: basta sia «normale» ed è «nostra» , basta sia «nostra» ed è «normale» .

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" confidant and spy

Luca ha visto alla tv ( Blob – Raitre, 8.3.2011) un Ferrara d’annata nell’atto di dar fuoco al suo bollettino di pagamento dell’abbonamento Rai ( Radio Londra – Canale 5, 2/14/1989) Ferrara and wonders if that will debut on Raiuno day with a daily column has had the good taste to renew it, and when.
Luke does not waste any indignation on the act 22 years ago, because he knows that claim consistency over a period of time it would take too long, but merely to ask whether there may be compatibility between continue not to pay your subscription and to work for Rai Rai Rai paid with money, which gets money from those who pay a subscription Rai. In this way around any objections that may arise to a request for consistency, which is elusive and ambiguous term by which the fools believe can crucify a man who had opinions ol'altrieri yesterday, but it makes a request for fairness logic. In fact, for what really counts in terms of a line of argument, "two statements of the same person at different times of his life can be presented as incompatible, if all the statements that person shall be treated as constituting a single system, if Instead it comes from different periods of his life as not loyal to each other, the incompatibility disappears " ( Chaim Perelman, The domain rhetorical , Einaudi 1981).

Yet Luke does not take into account one thing: this making "unique" in Ferrara - and that makes it even consistent - it is the continuum , first under the protection of Craxi and later, under Berlusconi, contra rem publicam , which public television is expression under parliamentary control. The continuum, in Ferrara, and is against the parliament. From the screens of Fininvest, Berlusconi and with the benefit of Craxi, Rai was the competitor. Today, everything changes, but it's all the same: thanks to Berlusconi (owner of Mediaset, RAI competitor) and in favor of the Berlusconi (presidente del Consiglio che mira a erodere le prerogative parlamentari in vista dell’esautorazione di fatto), la tv pubblica resta concorrente, ma stavolta può essere avversata dal di dentro. Il mancato rinnovo dell’abbonamento sarebbe congruo, compatibile e coerente.
Se fosse necessaria controprova, basta scorrere la prefazione di Radio Londra (Leonardo editore, 1991), il volume che raccoglie i suoi interventi televisivi: “Non sono un giornalista [...] Non amo, anzi detesto, il giornalismo come professione [...] La prima regola di questo mestiere è compromettersi [...] La lotta politica moderna si fa sui giornali e alla televisione [...] The lie is the common glue professional ethics [...] The journalist that I like is an accomplice and a traitor, thief and gentleman, confidant and spy .

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"The Jacobin tradition, justice is not an independent institution, notwithstanding Article XVI of the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789: it is the 'weapon of the sovereign people, that it shall elect the executive. Here is his habit of origin, and even today the French prosecutors is not for everyone but it maintains a relationship of dependency governo” ( Le procure sotto tutela la Repubblica , 9.3.2011 ). Dopo quella del pastore Peter Ciaccio sul “puritanesimo” ( , 12.2.2001 ), questa di Barbara Spinelli sul “giacobinismo” è un’altra lezioncina che tornerebbe utile ai dipendenti di Silvio Berlusconi che sono addetti a stampa e a tv.
Il “puritano” non è chi affida al moralista il controllo dello Stato, ma è chi ritiene doverosa la tutela del decoro delle istituzioni da parte dei suoi rappresentanti, che appunto la rappresentano ma non la incarnano, e therefore should have to dress him more attention than to what's inside, because then the suit should be returned.
The "Jacobin" is not who is opposed to the separation of careers, but who wants it, and "Jacobinism" is not to put political power under the heel of the judiciary, but precisely the opposite: we could say that " Jacobin "is just " the idea that in a democracy sovereignty is concentrated all the people who elect governments and parliaments are not vetted by third powers ", we could say that the true "Jacobins", today, in Italy, the populists are calling for the impunity of the center of an elected el'incontestabilità legislated in terms of its constitutionality.
Yet it is they who are accused of "Jacobinism" those who asks the balance of powers guarantee that democracy does not degenerate plebeitarismo, elites do not oligarchy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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I have not seen the episode of Dr. House - Medical Division inspiring post of Screwtape , but I think the word as written : "From the medical point of view the plot is so implausible to sink into the ridiculous" . This is the reason why I stopped following the series in the middle of his second season and I can hardly imagine that now the seventh, the authors may have reached the bottom of the improbable, in fact - it is true - "care embryonic stem do not exist, let alone one able to rebuild in a day ". Everything else, though, I think he may judge.
It is not unlikely, first, that a Catholic will face crucify. Two years ago, for example, only 29 were in the Philippines. The Church officially disapproves, it should say so, but the custom is rooted in several countries, particularly between South American and Latino , with some sporadic cases in Europe.
The faith of those who will crucify you sick? No doubt, but this is the case in Small sacrifices (1 Italy, 04/03/2011), where the crucifix Latin is and suffering from neurological disease ( "sclerosis of the brain" , read): nothing improbable, therefore. It is unlikely, however, that Screwtape writes: "The faith depicted in the show is its caricature: a blind belief without argument" , because faith is this, even when not caricature: how to argue otherwise, to grace, the resurrection of the dead, the virginity of a new mother, his ascension into heaven, etc..? And yet they are dogmas, we must have blind belief, otherwise we can not say Catholics. And here I will only say that Screwtape should monitor more vocabulary.

That's unlikely, then, a Catholic who prefers to die rather than save morally illicit means? The Church is not holy women who reject abortion even knowing that the pregnancy will kill? It is precisely the case of Latin refusing the treatment of embryonic stem cells required by House. What's unlikely? What's so implausible?
But not all. Screwtape writes that, to heal the sclerotic against his will, House "tricks him into losing trust in God" . This is doubly obnoxious, I agree. In fact, I think it is entirely arbitrary mirror of the Catholic physician who commits injustice similar to the patient with no future, would be left to die in peace rather than being made an appendage of the machine. But Screwtape Assassin to the doctor who would not pull the plug? So why is hateful arbitrariness of House? Probably - I'm going to nose - the only reason is that the goal here - the same goal - to be achieved by losing the faith of the patient.
In short, it appears that there is Screwtape patient and patient: if he is a believer, your treatment will take care of first not to make him lose faith, even if it means letting him die, but if there is not a believer, the therapy must satisfy the faith of the doctor, even the cost of keeping the patient alive against his will.
What's more, the doctor should act as a doctor believer believer even before a patient is not a believer, preferably by law. Screwtape does not say, not in this post. When you address the issue of the bill on the end of life that is under discussion in Parliament, you will not fail.

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The implausible it'll be preparing a prankster. Its. Mica

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all priests are pedophiles

[un grazie a ]

Monday, March 7, 2011

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One, a hundred, a thousand Machiavelli

Giuseppe Prezzolini trova un’immagine di grande efficacia in coda a Vita di Nicolò Machiavelli fiorentino : dice che “leva lo sgabello sotto il sedere ai profeti disarmati” . Bene, non resta che concentrarci sullo sgabello: cos’è?