Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is Microwave Fade Margin

Justice Reform / 1

"Sorting court: (1) Unit of Pm (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112
where the Pm is distinct from the judges), (2) Responsibilities Guardasigilli verso il Parlamento
sull’operato del Pm (modifica costituzionale); […] (4) Riforma del Consiglio superiore
della magistratura che deve essere responsabile verso il Parlamento
(modifica costituzionale); (5) [...] S eparare le carriere requirente e giudicante”
Licio Gelli, Piano di Rinascita Democratica , 1981 (?)

"Building the country in terms of a parts based on political reasons"
Giuliano Ferrara, Il Foglio, 03.11.2011

Let's see what it is.

Article. 87 of the Constitution (Title II - The President of the Republic) states in paragraph ten: "The President Republic of [...] shall preside over the Council of the Judiciary ... ". Here the art. A reform of the text presented yesterday by the Government adds "... judges and the Superior Council of Magistracy prosecutor" .
You made the so-called "separation of careers" .

● In the second paragraph of Article. 101 of the Constitution reads: "Judges are subject only to the law" . Here the art. 2 rewrites the text of the reform: "The courts are an autonomous and independent of all power and shall be subject only to the law ", incorporating the first paragraph of art. 104: "The judiciary is an autonomous and independent of all other powers" , raising "other" , but without substantial change in direction. Or so it seems.

So it would seem also to the art. 4, which corrects the first paragraph of Article. 102 ( "The judicial function is exercised by ordinary magistrates empowered and regulated by rules of judicial" ) that rewrites "jurisdiction" al posto di “funzione giurisdizionale” . Dato quanto alla voluta “separazione delle carriere” , la correzione sembra possa avere un suo senso.

L’art. 5 del testo di riforma riscrive l’art. 104 della Costituzione in funzione di questa separazione tra “giudici e pubblici ministeri” , mentre l’art. 6 e l’art. 7 vi aggiungono quanto ne consegue per i due distinti Consigli superiori della magistratura, quello giudicante e quello requirente, che, come abbiamo visto all’art. 1, sono entrambi sono presieduti dal Presidente della Repubblica.

Article. 6 offers a significant change in the composition of the High Council of the judiciary, whose members would be to "elect half by all ordinary courts in the same category after the draw of the candidates, half by the Parliament in joint session between college professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice ", while the vice president should be chosen " among the members appointed by the Parliament ".
Again, as in the text of the Constitution, "the elected members of the Council remain in office for four years and are not re-elected" , but there is a slight variation because the art. 104, sixth paragraph, which reads "are not immediately re-elected" .

Article. 7 However, under the composition of the Council of the Judiciary prosecutor, whose members should "elect half of all prosecutors in the same category after the draw of the candidates, half by the Parliament in joint session from among full professors universities in law and lawyers with fifteen years of practice ". Here too, the Vice-President should be chosen "among the members appointed by the Parliament" , again skip the ' "immediately" on their not rieleggibilità.

Article. 8 of the text of the Article appropriate reforms. 105 of the Constitution "separation of careers" with regard to self. Where the Charter currently provides that "The High Council of Judiciary, in accordance with the regulations of legal, recruitment, assignments and transfers, promotions and disciplinary measures for judges ", has made adequate distinction between the Board of Governors of the judiciary and the Council of the Judiciary prosecutor.

So also for the art. 9 that separates the two Court of discipline of the judiciary. Here, too, has taken on the criterion by which "components of each section [...] half elected by Parliament in joint sitting and half of all the judges and prosecutors" , with a President and a Vice President to be elected both "among the members appointed by the Parliament" .

We are right in the middle of the text of the reform, which is composed of 18 articles, and maybe we can already make some consideration.
The Government is not limited to separate careers, but make duplicates of the Council of the Judiciary and the Disciplinary Court of the Judiciary in a new relationship with Parliament, which is in quantitative and qualitative. It reaffirmed the autonomy and independence of the judiciary so in two separate, but the subordination of the Justice Policy is fortemente accentuato, anche se indirettamente, attraverso una ridefinizione degli organi di autogoverno e di controllo disciplinare. Se qui facciamo un salto all’art. 15 che intende modificare l’art. 112 della Costituzione ( “Il pubblico ministero ha l’obbligo di esercitare l’azione penale” ), aggiungendovi “secondo i criteri stabiliti dalla legge” , pare chiara l’intenzione di mettere la Giustizia al guinzaglio della Politica. D’altra parte, come vedremo più avanti, in almeno altri due punti, le prerogative della magistratura vengono a trovarsi condizionate dai “criteri stabiliti dalla legge” , namely the legislature, ie the policy. The erosion of autonomy and judicial independence is not declared as the ultimate goal of reform, but it is clear that in doing so.
We would expect strong resistance to this design.



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