Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Transfer Factor Plus Psorosis Of The Liver

" confidant and spy

Luca ha visto alla tv ( Blob – Raitre, 8.3.2011) un Ferrara d’annata nell’atto di dar fuoco al suo bollettino di pagamento dell’abbonamento Rai ( Radio Londra – Canale 5, 2/14/1989) Ferrara and wonders if that will debut on Raiuno day with a daily column has had the good taste to renew it, and when.
Luke does not waste any indignation on the act 22 years ago, because he knows that claim consistency over a period of time it would take too long, but merely to ask whether there may be compatibility between continue not to pay your subscription and to work for Rai Rai Rai paid with money, which gets money from those who pay a subscription Rai. In this way around any objections that may arise to a request for consistency, which is elusive and ambiguous term by which the fools believe can crucify a man who had opinions ol'altrieri yesterday, but it makes a request for fairness logic. In fact, for what really counts in terms of a line of argument, "two statements of the same person at different times of his life can be presented as incompatible, if all the statements that person shall be treated as constituting a single system, if Instead it comes from different periods of his life as not loyal to each other, the incompatibility disappears " ( Chaim Perelman, The domain rhetorical , Einaudi 1981).

Yet Luke does not take into account one thing: this making "unique" in Ferrara - and that makes it even consistent - it is the continuum , first under the protection of Craxi and later, under Berlusconi, contra rem publicam , which public television is expression under parliamentary control. The continuum, in Ferrara, and is against the parliament. From the screens of Fininvest, Berlusconi and with the benefit of Craxi, Rai was the competitor. Today, everything changes, but it's all the same: thanks to Berlusconi (owner of Mediaset, RAI competitor) and in favor of the Berlusconi (presidente del Consiglio che mira a erodere le prerogative parlamentari in vista dell’esautorazione di fatto), la tv pubblica resta concorrente, ma stavolta può essere avversata dal di dentro. Il mancato rinnovo dell’abbonamento sarebbe congruo, compatibile e coerente.
Se fosse necessaria controprova, basta scorrere la prefazione di Radio Londra (Leonardo editore, 1991), il volume che raccoglie i suoi interventi televisivi: “Non sono un giornalista [...] Non amo, anzi detesto, il giornalismo come professione [...] La prima regola di questo mestiere è compromettersi [...] La lotta politica moderna si fa sui giornali e alla televisione [...] The lie is the common glue professional ethics [...] The journalist that I like is an accomplice and a traitor, thief and gentleman, confidant and spy .


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