Monday, March 7, 2011

Filmes De Travestis Para Baixar

I could never give the dick to a colleague because it would violate the rules of professional ethics. I will not, therefore, da ogni giudizio su chi ha firmato il comunicato dell’Amci (Associazione medici cattolici italiani) in favore della legge sul fine vita, e mi limito a sollevare qualche perplessità.
In primo luogo: “Nella realtà concreta della professione medica – c’è scritto – è più presente il rischio dell’abbandono piuttosto che quello dell’accanimento terapeutico” . E allora che senso ha fare una legge? Hanno ragione quanti affermano che non serve?
Di poi: “Le Dat non possono will constitute a binding for the doctor who, very attentive to the human relationship which binds him to his patient, will always have the heart to meet the therapeutic alliance, the foundation of the medical profession, taking account, in taking responsibility for their inalienable rights, the wishes expressed by the patient or his trustee ". Which, however, in spite of the covenant, can be ignored when the patient or his trustee express a decision not want a tube in the stomach or a needle into a vein. Needles and tubes are not therapeutic tools? Aggressive therapy is not to impose it against the wishes of the patient? The therapeutic alliance should not be based on an agreed minimum behavior of the therapist?
Here I stop, otherwise I end up violating the rules of professional ethics.


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