Sunday, March 6, 2011

Collectible Bears Santa

I do not have to available data of 2010 and therefore take into account the previous year (source: CEI). The total sum collected by all'8xmille for the year 2009 is € 967,538,542. The 88, 1% went to support the clergy (381,300,000), the maintenance of his car on the ground (381,238,542) and the fuel to move it (90 million), 7.8% for the poor Third World; 3.1% than our own. It's that way forever. Since there is 8xmille - is now a quarter century - with the allocation formula is consistent: never more than 12% of the poor, never less than 83% of the priests.
Data known? In 2003, he knew only 4.2% of Italians, and I have the most recent data available. However, in 2008 came out the begging Curzio Maltese and will become the 5, 7, maybe even 10%. We do 20%? If it were, we would still have 4 out of 5 Italian fooled by relentless television spots that CEI stuffed with small children in Africa, homeless toothless, emaciated pulled away from the drugs, whores raised from the street, as if the 8xmille went only to them.
Not the allocation to be worthy of attention, not if you know a little the clergy: a distributed differently, it would still be there. If you know a little, is not worthy of attention even his cynicism: has always been that the needy are the bait to hook the charity. Even the tools of this cynicism is worthy of attention: If you know a little of the clergy, we understand that are the same as always, even if they are adequate to the times. That is why in these seven years - Malvino performs them today - I have not wasted too much time on the 8xmille. But this time is different. This time there is to be reported , which is more than usual Spillar money to fools.

" Now even young people can do much to support l’8xmille, aiutando gli anziani a compilare e consegnare la scheda allegata ai loro modelli CUD, per esempio. Così i fondi dell’8xmille arriveranno ai tanti progetti che la Chiesa cattolica porta avanti in tutto il mondo, donando a chi ha più bisogno la speranza di una vita migliore” . Chi ha più bisogno? Vedi sopra: i poveri per l’11,9% e il clero per il restante 88,1%.
Si sa, l’Italia è patria della disoccupazione giovanile e i disoccupati non hanno un CUD da compilare: perché tenerli fuori dal circuito? D’altra parte, si sa, gli anziani sono anziani. La modulistica fool them, if not already are dumb. And then, at a certain age, the view is a dancer. Who can be sure, finally, that television commercials have hammered duty? It would take an idea, have thought the usual creative habit, and is coming: a contest.
"B Astano five moves. Ask your pastor to enter the contest ifeelCUD your parish. It is very simple, and it is obviously free. Call your friends and make the team, anyone can participate in age between 18 and 35. Enabled the team on site, one can begin to get serious, sta a voi trovare il modo di raccogliere più schede CUD possibile. Usate la simpatia, l’inventiva e il buon senso: chi si impegna di più vince! Portate le schede firmate per l’8xmille al centro Caf Acli più vicino, il concorso finisce il 30 aprile 2011. Più schede avrete consegnato più alte saranno le probabilità per te e la tua squadra di vincere un viaggio insieme a Madrid per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù del 2011”. Due piccioni con una sola fava.

Nel dettaglio: “Per dare a tutti le stesse probabilità di vittoria, indipendentemente dalla popolazione della parrocchia, il calcolo del punteggio verrà obtained by dividing the number of models delivered to the CAF ACLI CUD valid for the number of inhabitants of the parish, and multiplying by 100. Example: a parish of 3,000 people who can collect and deliver the CAF ACLI CUD 180 models, will earn 600 points (0.06 x 180/3.000 = 10 000 = 600 points). On this score can then be added to any bonus obtained.
Already, there are also bonuses. "Make a movie of 3 minutes with a theme chosen from the history of the parish community, the country's patron saint. You will increase your team's score of 10%. Make a movie about the song "You can give more," which may be in a dialect or why not even a video! You will increase your score by a further 10% CUD. A jury will choose the movie more interesting and exciting. The winning video will increase the score of his parish of 20% ". So for next year also save on the spot. The TV ad space already grant a preferential price, but well befall the costs of production.
And this is what deserves attention: the exceptional ability to squeeze as much as possible by those who can and who can not.

[thanks to Denis for reporting]


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