Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whipple Procedure Exercising

[...] "The 'our' society "

necessarily Children need a mother and a father to thrive? Their psyche reveals details if problems are raised by a gay couple? On Future , last 16 February, Joseph Anzalone it was taken for granted, but the Italian Association of Psychology has taken action to correct what he called "statements that are not reflected in international research on the relationship between family relations and psycho-social development of individuals" , because "the psychosocial well-being of members of family groups is not so much tied to the form that the group gained, as to the quality of processes and relationship dynamics that are actualized inside .
Things now common knowledge, but who knows how many more times will you repeat them to those who defend, even against the evidence, these and a hundred other worn-out cliches. But then there is Professor Francesco D'Agostino, who does not deny the evidence, but tries to dodge the issue: the problem is not "psychological, but anthropological .
"At least in principle - he writes - we might even agree [" "that what is important for the welfare of children is the quality of family environment that parents provide them, regardless of whether that they are cohabiting, separated, remarried, single, same-sex "(as claimed by the press of psychologists)" ] But rather what should be dear to all is to reaffirm that every society, or at least certainly 'our' society is based on stable family structures and recognized, with a potential and natural fertility, a foundation of personal morality (the mutual commitment of the spouses) and a public legal recognition (marriage). [...] It should be clear to everybody that the care and protection they are entitled to children should be routinely backed by a parental couple and a 'normal' family environment and not a mere 'good will' psychological willing adults generously to take care of them " ( Avvenire, 9.3.2011).
D’improvviso, il bambino ha smesso di stare al centro della questione: nel negare la sua adozione da parte di una coppia gay, il suo benessere sembrava fosse la cosa più importante, adesso non lo è più. Adesso al centro delle preoccupazioni è “la «nostra» società” , “il «normale» contesto familiare” , “l’esperienza storica e morale plurisecolare” . E qui ogni “ricerca internazionale sul rapporto fra relazioni familiari e sviluppo psicosociale degli individui” diventa inutile: le tautologie di «nostro» e «normale» rendono insignificante ogni rilievo scientifico. Provate a cambiare i termini della questione e con questo tipo di argomentazione, contro ogni ragione, si può difendere ogni cosa: basta sia «normale» ed è «nostra» , basta sia «nostra» ed è «normale» .


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