Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Does Ice Cream Soothe Heartburn

water Incontinence

Shortly after the publication of the post Incontinence Hydro on our Blog, started again the construction activities.

We like to think that our interest is complicit in this activity can resume.

Good job!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wholesale Corset Busks

Prosegue il "trip" allucinato di Bersani, in arte Pier Luigi. Nel suo bilancio elettorale chiosa:
" Il risultato elettorale? Non e' una vittoria ma neanche una sconfitta. " Effettivamente dipende much on how much 'used Vaseline ...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fix Road Rash On A Bike

Helps Give numbers

OK. The results of the regional authorities are now clear. The governing left 11 regions out of 13, after this administration, it will rule '7. For math, this is a loss of four regions, namely a rout! The rompers
the various parties and left-match, despite the evidence of the facts, they claim to have won, to have "reversed the trend," and other similar jerk. Here there are doubts about the cause of their statements:
  • high alcohol level?
  • sunburn?
  • mental illness?
  • strange substances?
  • conviction to speak to the people of dementia?
  • influence by aliens from Mars?
  • reading a script for a circus?
mystery ... Fortunately for people you stack that are not the government!

COMEDY ADDITIONAL NOTE: I will now read (at 1:34 am Italian time) on the Home Page of the site of the Republic: " parties: the Democratic Party takes the PDL loses 6% compared to the European . The newspaper confirms a nullity 'journalism and a factory of balls: how do they keep saying that the PD? And lose the PDL compared to Europe, then voted when all of Italy and now only 13 regions out of 20? They, too, so I know too many who have uncorked bottles (and too early!)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cornflower Blue Satin Ribbon

That League of Plato

Even if the network and 'full of quotes from large and small sneak fathers of human thought, every now and should carefully review their words:

"when the citizens agree that happen in anyone's home, from wherever it comes, can acquire the same rights as those who built it and there is born, when leaders tolerate all this to gain votes and consensus in the name of a freedom that consumes and corrupts every rule and order .... So democracy dies: to abuse of herself, and before that in the blood, ridicule

It 's a perfect description of what' that is happening today. That fascistone League, a little 'and ignorant boor, and even a little racist Plato wrote about 2400 years ago in "The Republic" *. Certainly those who are 'in bad faith, will find' a justification in his own little head south wind, to go further and deny the obvious.

* ps: specification for the consumption of any disaster mental and (the) letter "to Peter," and the reference 'to the Dialogues of Plato, not the toilet paper daily directed by Ezio Mauro

Friday, March 26, 2010

Am I Paranoid About Herpes?

There are bad politicians, but politicians unwell. Falqui, just the word. Hard Times

"From Pierre, stop pushing" - "Do not riescoooo"

There 's a shift in policy Bersani; affirms himself in his show at the gates of Mirafiori. "I feel reversed, a boost." Dear
Pier Luigi, you know I do not mess with laxatives. You better run to the beaches that most 'are appropriate for your condition as a "push". And then, concentrated less on certain ideas, or increase your tendency to push.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Do You Have Two Implantation Bleeds With Twins

Photovoltaics literally means light-electricity ".
Renewable sources of energy are those that can be considered inexhaustible, plus have a negligible impact on the environment. Renewable energy is one of the tools identified at the international level is to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions required by Kyoto Protocol and beyond, but also to reduce economic dependence on oil producing countries ( Seven Sisters ). To promote the use of photovoltaic, or rather, of these renewable sources, the European Union has set a target to be reached this year, a production of energy from renewable sources 22% of total consumption. Italy adopted the EU Directive and from the 90s to promote incentive systems economy.
In the case of photovoltaics, where it produces the electricity needed, no maintenance, does not damage the environment and offers the advantage of being tailor-made.
For the time is still high development cost, but it becomes economically viable with the forms of financial incentives from the state with the "Energy Bill .
The energy account is a special incentive for the installation of grid connected photovoltaic systems (grid connection) from 1kWp to 1 MWp. Provides for compensation for 20 years by the Manager of the national transmission grid, the kWh produced by the photovoltaic system, at a price higher than the market. Be eligible for the Energy Bill is the natural and legal persons and then private companies and public institutions like our town.
I wondered if among the many mortgages and loans requested by our directors, we pay with our hate / love council tax, there was not one asked for the construction of a photovoltaic system that generates electricity and pays for itself.
You can make small, targeted interventions, installations and equipment on the roofs of public buildings.
Recently in our town has been carried out yet another restructuring of the multi-purpose hall, and, far from us, the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling a photovoltaic system on the roof.
"S'avessa fern or sun? "

... here's an example of what could be achieved ...

But neither is flashed in the mind of any administrator, to create a small solar-thermal (hot water free ... free ... forever), not only to reduce costs management of a sports facility, but also to ensure a hot shower for the athletes who use the facilities, choosing to install the system on roofs of football pitches with changing rooms as the field of municipal Forchia, it also recently expanded.

More than 90% of energy on our planet comes from the sun.
choose to capture this energy is not only a source of income or savings, is not a political or partisan, but is an unmistakable sign of love for the planet and its inhabitants.

Pokemon Color Emulator

While there in the banana republic, continued the political farce in stipendiary sauce on this side of the ocean Obama can celebrate the gift given to the drug mafia and the health system in general. 930 billion dollars over ten years, will weigh on the shoulders degli americani. Bel passo avanti...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mucus Before Period Or Pregnancy

Changes to the rules of the road

... introduced new signs of strength!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Timeshare Promotions Kona

When the referee is playing dirty

A proposito del golpistico tentativo, in parte riuscito, di non dare la possibilità a dei cittadini di votare per chi desiderano, leggiamo un pochino qui cosa recita l'articolo 338 del codice penale:

«Chiunque usa violenza o minaccia a un Corpo politico, amministrativo o giudiziario o a una rappresentanza di esso, o a una qualsiasi pubblica Autorità costituita in collegio, per impedirne in tutto o in parte, anche temporaneamente o per turbarne comunque l’attività, è punito con la reclusione da uno a sette anni. Alla stessa pena soggiace chi commette il fatto per influire sulle deliberazioni collegiali di imprese che esercitano servizi public or public necessity, if those decisions have as their object the organization or execution of the Services

to you what comes to mind? Not to mention the much-cited, in error, the Constitution. The Coup are also without firing a shot ...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Samantha Anderson 2009

User sphincters male

We to ridicule. Now in the banana republic, it is even a crime to say that gay is gay. How must I say? Maybe " person with different sexual orientation from most of same-sex ", or maybe user of sphincters male ? Hypocrite. Hypocritical and ridiculous. These judgments, in addition to being ridiculous, un'ulterire shed light on the judiciary's lack of credibility. We are pure farce. Do not just jerk the language type shit operator ecological , disabled person, blind or . Hypocrites. Hypocrites and morons too.

NB: deficient in deficit from the Latin , missing something. Better to specify, given the command of Italian, even and especially in certain circles ...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Best Organic Foundation

Freedom to be stupid

Today will be left to the streets to fill it with nothing, absolute vacuum. Obviously I'm free to do so, and once again put in scena la solita farsetta della difesa della libertà. Quale libertà? Una strana libertà: quella di essere i candidati unici alle elezioni, ad esempio, oppure quella di eliminare fisicamente un premier democraticamente eletto dalla maggior parte degli elettori.
Per fortuna che ci sono loro a difendere il popolo imbecille che non capendo nulla ed essendo lobotomizzato, ha votato per Berlusconi.
Lo spettacolo sarà ancora una volta così grottesco e surreale, che non si sa bene se ridere o piangere. Povera Italia.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Matreshka Coloring Pages

The following words will show you the status and complete insolvency work recently realized in our country. A taxable transaction size, but a humble opinion, with serious technical and structural deficiencies.
think it's the usual single voice that speaks without jurisdiction or solutions?
The work in question has some unique features such as: the retaining wall upstream of the structure of 'false' downspouts and the front nicely covered with slabs of porphyry

or the complete lack of an entire part of the walls further downstream to allow, perhaps, easy access to land.

Continuing our visit, we found the existence of roads maintenance, all concrete, which assail some of the underbrush

and also wells of the "overflow" completely clogged by dirt and debris.

What would happen if it came a flood of biblical memory? A
'idea of \u200b\u200bcontainment and distribution of rainwater could / should be that of a system of collection points and tanks spread over more units of the territory covered by the pumping systems that not only are able to repair themselves but from the fury of the waters make it a resource to be distributed to the local community.
not think is possible? It 'already been done, not in America or Japan, but in Campania. You know Regi Lagni ? The work of containment and use of the water desired by the Bourbons and through tanks and drains, and with the help of gravity alone, managed to divert water and use them in ways that make sense, such as irrigation in agriculture and breeding livestock.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Heal Faster From Groin

Le elezioni sono ormai prossime. Non possiamo certo esimerci dal fare gli auguri di un buon lavoro a tutti coloro che in questa tornata elettorale saranno impegnati nei più disparati modi nelle varie sezioni. Allo stesso modo non possiamo però esimerci dal dare un consiglio spassionato e specifico ai componenti della Consulta Elettorale.
Da un po’ di tempo gli scrutatori sono scelti non più tramite sorteggio casuale fra gli iscritti nelle liste, ma mediante nomina diretta. Pochi gioni fa si è riunita la suddetta consulta proprio a questo fine. Il nostro consiglio spassionato e specifico consiste nel far sì che venga introdotto un metodo di selezione degli scrutatori che si inquadri in un' ottica social justice.
nothing to suggest a tutt 'today directed that the appointments have been made as simple exchanges election, confident that the' adoption of clearer criteria and fair not only the removal of doubt like this, but even though there would be little help to people most in need / right. One of the ways forward could be to introduce a system where even the 'inclusion in the lists would be conditional on the possession of certain requirements (eg academic merits, economic rating, splitting income, etc.). and then possibly proceed to draw between the various claimants. This is just one of the possible avenues, however, always better than semplice fornire il nome di questa o quella persona.
Recita l’ articolo 3 della Costituzione :
” Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.
È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli di ordine economico e sociale, che, limitando di fatto la libertà e l’eguaglianza dei cittadini, impediscono il pieno sviluppo della persona umana e l’effettiva partecipazione di tutti i lavoratori all’organizzazione politica, economica e sociale del Paese”.
Evitando inutili e lunghe legal treatises, one point should be clarified. This article is what caught is the unique principle of 'equality in social justice . From this point of constitutional equality means treating people the same way starting from the same point in a different way and treat those who come from different situations.
The hope is that the situation is not different from how it is represented voted in municipal elections, but the legal situation / needs of the citizens.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Locations For The Rhino 5 Holo Plans

Sophisticated thinkers

Questo qui dà i numeri. Ma chi si crede di essere? Ormai di pietro è l'ombra di se stesso. Crede solo lui in what he says, impeachment? But you know what it is, or has learned English by correspondence? Judging by the nonsense written in the language of Shakespeare in his now famous paid advertisement in the English press, no one knows if he speaks English better ol ' italiacano .
Take a vacation tonino, relax and think before you speak count to 10, vah ...

How To Repair Seadoo Seat

There are elves? In Italy you!

not necessary, but just to clarify, to confirm what has been said in previous posts, carry a small example of double standards used by the leftists of the Democratic Party and the center:

For PDL, the abbreviation the place where occurred the authentic signatures Mariano, namely Mariano Comense, and bowls, so the signature is invalid;

For the PD, the abbreviation for the place of true CM, that Cassano Magnano, E 'valid

And there are those who still believe the judiciary in an impartial and apolitical? Part of that will even so, it is certain that it is hard to find in the newspapers.
It 's a bit like believing in dragons, fairies and to Peter, everyone believes in what he wants: the fantasy genre but should remain separate from reality, otherwise it comes dangerously close to the disease.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stream Best Of Jenna Jameson

Filth democratic

What is happening in Italy in these days about the elimination of entire electoral coup (of course only one part), is unbelievable. In no democratic country in the world would be possible. The talk now to no avail. Stuff coup in stipendiary sauce.
Provo literally disgust for these institutions of democracy that now have nothing.
If most of the Italians, of any political party, do not revolt to everything with a surge of pride, only prove to be a people who deserve senzapalle of guano, in which the country is sinking. They deserve it!

Shower Rod For Clawfoot Tub, Calgary

That is the unit of measure establishing the wealth of a community? And what is the path that leads us to understand what is the source of a territory? A
Force, our town, just raise your eyes a moment to understand it.
The territory of the municipality lies between 160 and 832 meters above sea level.
The trip overall difference is equal to 672 meters. That 's where lies his wealth, his gold in 672 meters of travel in those whose prosperity is the oldest plant in the world, came from a contest between Minerva and Neptune over who could create the most useful to man: Neptune created the horse, Minerva olive trees. Jupiter, the trial judge, ruled in favor of the latter, which became the sacred plant to Minerva.
The olive tree is a resource, a means by which to create growth, wealth, jobs, qualified or not. It 'a means by which a depressed area like ours could rise to new economic life, placing on the tables of the Italians and, why not get abroad.
consortia, associations of producers, there are examples everywhere, and we should not go too far to find someone, even if they are in our Campania some you get ideas.
productions that use the marks Garaz Italian law and community. The
De.Co. , for example, that helps the economy of the area concerned since it represents a strengthening dell'identità nell'ambito comunale. Inoltre individua luoghi unici ed inconfutabili con la presa di coscienza che tale riconoscimento favorisce una crescente valorizzazione del territorio stesso.
La DE.CO. non deve essere considerata come un marchio di qualità poiché non lo è, come sono le istituzionalizzate D.O.P. [Denominazione di Origine Protetta], I.G.P. [Indicazione Geografica Protetta] e S.T.G. [Specialità Tradizionale Garantita], in quanto è il catalogare, da parte del Comune, le proprie produzioni enologiche e gastronomiche che la tradizione tramanda e ricorda, e come tali valorizzarle attraverso percorsi conoscitivi e di approfondimento.
Ma non è incompatibile con tali denominazioni, e l’esempio is Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Sannio Caudino Telesino PDO , where, like magic, lies our beloved, for some, and abused by others, the Municipality of Force.
But who is responsible to ensure that a community of its own resources and is beneficial as the winner of titles, which in some respects, I am due? Most
, reading this, will say that a municipality has a respectable Department of Agriculture (sic) to work, dealing perhaps the only real resource of the area, trying to grow the local economy through those roads that the European Community "opens" to those who want to visit it, trying to understand ai giovani che un futuro sostenibile in agricoltura esiste ed è anche radioso, vantaggioso sotto tutti gli aspetti; che il futuro non è solo lontano dalla loro terra o in un lavoro in fabbrica.
Ma, si dirà, come mai, con il susseguirsi degli amministratori locali, non ce ne sia stato uno che si sia occupato di un argomento così importante, vitale, per la comunità?
Forse perché un cittadino informato e felice è meno facile da gestire rispetto ad uno disinformato e frustrato.
E, si dirà ancora,come mai non si è alzata la voce dei quei pochi, contro quegli amministratori distratti, a fargli capire che queste sono le vere risorse del nostro territorio, che conviene sfruttarle prima che vengano sepolte under tons of cubic meters of concrete and asphalt. Perhaps because they, too distracted by other issues of importance and different order!
Meanwhile, since no one is dealing with it, which is no topics that should be dealt with seriously and in depth, it makes our blog with the hope that someone will take the opportunity to discuss not only here but also in more locations institutions.

AD imperishable memory.

Read more:
Ace De.Co.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry