Monday, March 22, 2010

Do You Have Two Implantation Bleeds With Twins

Photovoltaics literally means light-electricity ".
Renewable sources of energy are those that can be considered inexhaustible, plus have a negligible impact on the environment. Renewable energy is one of the tools identified at the international level is to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions required by Kyoto Protocol and beyond, but also to reduce economic dependence on oil producing countries ( Seven Sisters ). To promote the use of photovoltaic, or rather, of these renewable sources, the European Union has set a target to be reached this year, a production of energy from renewable sources 22% of total consumption. Italy adopted the EU Directive and from the 90s to promote incentive systems economy.
In the case of photovoltaics, where it produces the electricity needed, no maintenance, does not damage the environment and offers the advantage of being tailor-made.
For the time is still high development cost, but it becomes economically viable with the forms of financial incentives from the state with the "Energy Bill .
The energy account is a special incentive for the installation of grid connected photovoltaic systems (grid connection) from 1kWp to 1 MWp. Provides for compensation for 20 years by the Manager of the national transmission grid, the kWh produced by the photovoltaic system, at a price higher than the market. Be eligible for the Energy Bill is the natural and legal persons and then private companies and public institutions like our town.
I wondered if among the many mortgages and loans requested by our directors, we pay with our hate / love council tax, there was not one asked for the construction of a photovoltaic system that generates electricity and pays for itself.
You can make small, targeted interventions, installations and equipment on the roofs of public buildings.
Recently in our town has been carried out yet another restructuring of the multi-purpose hall, and, far from us, the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling a photovoltaic system on the roof.
"S'avessa fern or sun? "

... here's an example of what could be achieved ...

But neither is flashed in the mind of any administrator, to create a small solar-thermal (hot water free ... free ... forever), not only to reduce costs management of a sports facility, but also to ensure a hot shower for the athletes who use the facilities, choosing to install the system on roofs of football pitches with changing rooms as the field of municipal Forchia, it also recently expanded.

More than 90% of energy on our planet comes from the sun.
choose to capture this energy is not only a source of income or savings, is not a political or partisan, but is an unmistakable sign of love for the planet and its inhabitants.


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