Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cornflower Blue Satin Ribbon

That League of Plato

Even if the network and 'full of quotes from large and small sneak fathers of human thought, every now and should carefully review their words:

"when the citizens agree that happen in anyone's home, from wherever it comes, can acquire the same rights as those who built it and there is born, when leaders tolerate all this to gain votes and consensus in the name of a freedom that consumes and corrupts every rule and order .... So democracy dies: to abuse of herself, and before that in the blood, ridicule

It 's a perfect description of what' that is happening today. That fascistone League, a little 'and ignorant boor, and even a little racist Plato wrote about 2400 years ago in "The Republic" *. Certainly those who are 'in bad faith, will find' a justification in his own little head south wind, to go further and deny the obvious.

* ps: specification for the consumption of any disaster mental and (the) letter "to Peter," and the reference 'to the Dialogues of Plato, not the toilet paper daily directed by Ezio Mauro


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