Thursday, April 8, 2010

Report Accident To Police Calgary

A country that is gone (... tanks Sunni)

Forchia is a small country that should enhance and recover the ancient heritage, such as tanks, Sunni, evidence of a past that we saw more stars than we are in our present.
tanks, a monument to ineptitude
all'incuria and now abandoned,
are a work in stone built by our ancient ancestors to ensure a steady supply of water to the population even in times of drought, but today they are reduced to a pile of debris and garbage and used as a dustbin. Even
are invaded by the land that has now almost completely covered them, which should not be possible perché l'opera è stata restaurata di recente. Restauro durante il quale nessuno ha pensato di rimuovere il terreno dall' interno delle cisterne per sostituirlo, magari, con dei supporti in legno che molto di più avrebbero valorizzato l'opera stessa. In compenso, come si evince da vecchi racconti, qualcuno ha notato ed altri asportato dalle cisterne pezzi di antico vasellame ed altri reperti. Che cosa racconteremo ad un ipotetica scolaresca che venendo da un altro paese facesse richiesta di una visita guidata alle cisterne? Forse proveremo a distrarli ancora parlandogli delle mirabolanti gesta di qualche nostro conterraneo sannita? Come siamo arrivati a tutto questo? Perché la società civile si è distratta per tanto tempo? Davvero I just believe that anything that happens depends on your commitment or your indignation? That after all have something to live so we should live their daily lives and nothing else? There are enough answers to go on these? Simply say "I do not do anything wrong, they are an honest person" to feel innocent? Let them pass the news on the skin and soul? So it always has been, or not? Or delegate to associations, church, military, journalists and others to denounce makes you worry? A calm that makes you go to bed happy, but maybe not in peace? There really is enough?
We no longer enough.
Defending our country is a duty. A duty
that involves everyone.
... and that can no longer say "I did not know!"


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