Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What To Wear On A Skating Date

Spring Cleaning

Given how hot it exploded suddenly, the fact that my wife is pregnant and we recovered strollers and various paraphernalia from friends and family, my wife and I have to take advantage of the long bridge April 25 to make a "full immersion" and then change of clothes, no need to throw the order and instead required. In particular, we needed to create new space for all the accessories for our little Julia is born in October.
I can only advise you to use the opportunity of change of wardrobe to get rid of as much as possible. To do this effectively takes only a few things, a couple of rules and a pinch of good will.
We start from the "tools" equip yourself with large garbage bags, those so called from the building; procuratevene a roll, better be well stocked when it was launched.
Then you can serve the white stickers, a pen, a pair of white sheets, scissors and a stapler.
Now we can go.
For everything you take in hand, ask yourself if you have used this last season. If the answer is no, ask yourself what could essere la peggior cosa che può accadere se ora la gettate.
Se infine avete deciso di liberarvene, chiedetevi se possa tornare utile a qualcun'altro. Io di solito come preparo il sacco per le cose da buttare, preparo anche un altro sacco per i vestiti da regalare. Se non sapete a chi darli, in quasi tutte le città ci sono i "cassonetti" gialli per la raccolta dei vestiti organizzata dalla Caritas locale.
Vedrete che in questo modo sarete in grado di liberarvi di un sacco di cose. Io personalmente provo inoltre una grossa soddisfazione quando vedo nuovo spazio libero dentro ad armadi e scaffali, perchè penso che ora ho spazio per cose nuove.
Visto che in queste occasioni prendiamo in mano quasi tutto, è un'ottima occasione anche per re-order what we, in such a way that it will be much faster when we ever need. I use a very small-scale but effective wherever they can attach labels, write to us and the attack on the keywords that show me the contents. This happens for the boxes in which there are currently no books that I need, but do not want to throw (like those of the university), boxes of shoes (shoes that I write on each are in), the toolbox, the hardware, electrical (cables, extension cords, plugs, sockets, etc.), electronics (PDA accessories, mobile phone, walkman, cd player and mp3).
But where I can not attach labels, bags and suitcases as we put the clothes that we do not use in the current season, I cut out a strip of paper, I write on keywords (like pants, brown jacket, sweaters) and I put around the neck and the stapler close the ring, so to speak, the effect is similar to the plate with your name given to you when you check-in of luggage at the airport.
The result is that when you try and enter something in your closet / basement / garage, you get everything in order and a number of tags that help you remember where you put what you are looking for and you are able to locate it without opening and move unnecessarily a lot of heavy boxes and bags maybe. When
ho finito, provo una grande soddisfazione contemplando l'ordine che ho creato, realizzando che ho creato nuovi spazi vuoti e vedendo la quantità di cose che ho buttato e quanto posso regalare a qualcun'altro.
Nel nostro caso ci siamo liberati di un sacco pieno di vestiti da regalare, un comodino inutilizzato da regalare, mentre abbiamo buttato un sacco completamente pieno e uno mezzo pieno, una borsa di carta grande con dentro soltanto sacchetti vuoti che mia moglie ha l'abitudine di accumulare, un mobiletto vecchio.
Unica nota di dispiacere è l'annuale constatazione che, nonostante tutto non, riesco a separarmi dalle mie magliette, polo e camicie con le maniche corte. Ne ho contato 35 e ipotizzando che la stagione estiva duri tre mesi (90 days), it means that if I change one every day, would put up to three times each. I know that it will not, in the end I always put the same 10, but this item can not apply the rule that I stated above: it is stronger than me!

So good luck in your "sorting" and if you have any advice to give, share them with everyone writing them in the comments.

Categories: lifehacks


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